Friday, 29 October 2010

My plants

Summer is over, it is the middle of Autumn. As you know my gardening season is already over. I mashed my own grown basil into pesto sauce about more than month ago. The only plant which is still growing on my windowsill is rosemary. Rosemary is perennial and feel good on my windowsill. I always thought that Lithuanian climate is too cold for this plant, but today read that it can stand even -15 C.
It is amazing!I know that this herb can make your dishes sophisticated, also if you season potatoes with rosemary and bake them in oven it will be very delicious or "Best Potatoes you ever tried"!
I think this weekend I will have potatoes with rosemary for dinner :)

Thursday, 7 October 2010


There are few reasons why I like Autumn. First one is, because leaves on the trees changes color form green to yellow or even red. The other, that in Autumn you have lots of vegetable and fruit. I got few bags of apple from my mother. Of course it is impossible to eat such amount, so I decided prepare apple pie. Looked and found few recipes I never tried before.
I selected the easiest recipe, there you need only shred apples into smaller pieces, bake them on butter with suggar, put everything in the baking tray and cover with crumbs, made from flower and butter. Thats all!!! All you need, just put pie into oven and wait for a half an hour. It is very tasty and most important thing - easy prepared!
Next time I prepared this pie, I changed original recipe and covered baked apples with allready prepared pastry, bought in the shop. Pie also was wonderfull. So, I can say, with Apple pie you always success!

Nothing new

It is allready month or maybe more when I rote my last post. But there was nothing interesting in my life. My PC is still broken and specialist said, that there is no sense fix it. It would be better, by new one. It was sad news, but on the other hand - now I have impulse save money :)