Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas fever begins

From tomorrow it will be exactly month till Christmas. Today on lunch break I went for a walk to the mall and noticed that many shops starting decorate their window-cases. To my mind, after this weekend in all city we could feel Christmas spirit. Wait until Christmas tree will be bring into town hall and we could sit with our families at the table and eat delicious food.
But till this moment there are many things to do. The most important is to by presents for friends and family members. This is the most difficult task to be done. Because not every time you guess what people want to get for Christmas.
I have not started prepare present list for this year yet, but have some ideas for my friends. This year one of my passions was kitchen, I want to share it with my friends. So, for my fiends I will prepare packages with home made Cheese, Marshmallows and Soused Mushrooms. I think they will like it and can try to make it by themselves.
What is left? Christmas tree, advent calendar, presents for family, food preparation for Christmas Eve, etc. quite many things to do, but I think I will handle everything, as every year :)

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